Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fight for Your Independent Pharmacy!

We live in a world where impersonal relationships is the norm. We don't know our neighbors, we don't engage in conversations with community members, and often, we are oblivious to our local businesses. I, like most people, like to run into a store and leave with my item in hand without a single conversation. But what if that one item has the potential to save your life? This is the power of modern medicine! Wouldn't you want to know the possible effects of the medication and maintain a relationship with not only your doctor but also your pharmacist? 

Rx Unlimited is the epitome of good patient relationships. They not only pride themselves in providing good business, but they maintain close relationships with doctors as well, making sure the patient is taken care of full circle. They have been a pillar in the AIDS and HIV community since the early 90s, providing healthcare to those who were denied help in the initial stint of the outbreak. 

Now, after 20 years of operation, Rx Unlimited is on the verge of closing. Due to a clerical error on behalf of inventory purchased by another local pharmacy, Rx Unlimited has lost their ESI/Medco contract provided by Express Scripts - a Fortune 100 company which provides most, if not all, of the medications within the store (and the country). Rather than fight the audit and risk not being able to continue servicing its patients, Rx Unlimited decided to provide of all the money demanded in the audit findings. What was the ultimate outcome? Express Scripts took the money and cut the contract as of November 8, 2013.

Why is this so near and dear to my heart? Because Rx Unlimited is my family - literally and figuratively. My family has owned and operated the business since its inception. I have bonded with folks who are routine patients, and have known most of the employees for the majority of my life. Rx Unlimited only wants to be able to continue to service its patients, despite the apparent bad faith dealings by Express Scripts. We hope that continued public and political pressure will convince Express Scripts that it cannot bully independent pharmacies and treat them as disposable, nor impede patients from choosing to use their local independent community pharmacy. 

If you would like to know more information on the issue, please visit their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rx-Unlimited-Pharmacy/167017743314541  Their online petition can be found at: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/rxunlimited/?m=0

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